core media campaigns

LOT Media Campaigns

Leverage the State’s advertising plan to bolster your message with a matching investment.

Louisiana Office of Tourism invests significantly in campaigns throughout the year focused on driving local, regional and long-haul tourists to the state. Partners that participate in these core campaigns have the benefit of air coverage from the State to further the impact of their local message. 

Campaigns available for co-op participation include In-State and Near-State. All campaigns are aimed at people who travel frequently, are searching for authentic experiences and immerse themselves in the culture of the places they visit.

Booking period to reserve space is December 1 – December 15, 2020.

These programs are offered exclusively for CVBs and tourist commissions. 

In-State & Near-State Campaign Co-op

The in-state and near-state campaign reaches Louisiana residents along with those that are within 150 miles of the State to encourage road trips within Louisiana.  

Learn more about participating in the in-state and near-state campaign.

Regional Campaign Co-op

The regional campaign is focused on bringing travelers living along the Gulf Coast that are a drive or short flight to Louisiana.  

Learn more about participating in the regional campaign.

Long-Haul Campaign Co-op

The long-haul campaign aims to reach travelers living in places that typically require air travel to Louisiana. 

Learn more about participating in the long-haul campaign.

Get Started by Contacting Us

Learn more about these advertising opportunities, full details on the program and pricing.